WORKSHOP: "Accessing Digital Humanities Research on the Cultural Heritage"
26 March 2025. Bologna, via Zamboni 34, Aula Affreschi
Accessing research data is fundamental to scholars in any scientific field. While several infrastructures, models, and frameworks exist to support findability and access to scholarly data, it is still hard to fully appreciate the landscape of Digital Humanities research.
Current data models for describing research products lack terms for describing peculiar endeavours in the Humanities (e.g. Digital Scholarly Editions) and platforms for accessing scholarly data rarely offer means for retrieving and analysing the wealth of interdisciplinary information that connects research products to the Cultural Heritage artefacts they are related to.
The objective of the workshop is to discuss strategies, practices, and models adopted in the broad Digital Humanities community. Five speakers will focus on good practices, existing solutions, and research lines that effective Open Access scholarly metadata in the Digital Humanities would foster. Secondly, a session will be dedicated to the presentation of the DH-ATLAS project and to hands-on activities. Participants will be using the DH-ATLAS data model and DH-ATLAS web prototype for the description of DH research products and projects, contributing to create the open graph of Digital Humanities projects on the Italian Cultural Heritage.
The workshop will be held in presence. Official languages are Italian and English.
- 9.30-10.00 Welcome and introduction
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- 10.00-10.30 Elena Spadini, University of Bern. Dati, comunità e riuso
- 10.30-11.00 Paolo Manghi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). The OpenAIRE Graph: Cooking and Cutting the DH Slice!
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- 11.00-11.15 Coffee break
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- 11.15-11.45 Antonella Negri, Istituto Centrale per la digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale - Digital Library. Ecomic: l’ecosistema digitale per la cultura e la sfida della Digital Library del MiC
- 11.45-12.15 Arianna Ciula, King's College London. Un’infrastruttura digitale per la ricerca in ambito umanistico: strutture e processi del King’s Digital Lab
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- 12.15-14.20 Lunch break
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- 14.20-14.50 Sebastiano Giacomini, University of Bologna; Chiara Martignano, University Ca' Foscari Venice; Giorgia Rubin, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). The DH-ATLAS project and prototype
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- 14.50-15.30 Datathon
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- 15.30-15.45 Coffee break
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- 15.45-17.00 Datathon, feedback, and conclusion
Everybody can attend the event for free. For logistics reasons, please register using this form. The deadline for applying is 10 March 2025.
Local Chairs: Marilena Daquino and Francesca Tomasi
Organisers: Sebastiano Giacomini (UNIBO), Alessia Bardi (CNR), Riccardo Del Gratta (CNR), Angelo Mario del Grosso (CNR), Giorgia Rubin (CNR), Marina Buzzoni (UNIVE), Franz Fischer (UNIVE), Roberto Rosselli del Turco (UNITO), Chiara Martignano (UNIVE).