Our results so far in pills (October 2024)
We are working on this
The ATLAS Ontology (v.1)
The ATLAS Ontology is an OWL 2 DL ontology designed to effectively represent scholarly research projects and their outcomes within the Cultural Heritage domain. It highlights key characteristics of significant types of research products, including Text Collection, Digital Scholarly Edition, Linked Open Data, Ontology, and Software. By capturing their unique attributes, ATLAS aims to promote good practices, sharing protocols, guidelines, and evaluation frameworks within the humanities.
The ATLAS knowledge graph (v.1)
The ATLAS Ontology has been implemented to describe the metadata of selected pilot projects and their related entities. This effort has resulted in a Knowledge Graph, which is currently available as a compressed folder containing Turtle XML serializations. Additionally, some demo files have been curated to illustrate the structure of the main entities within this model.
The ATLAS White Book (v.1)
The whitebook is one of the main outcomes of the ATLAS project. It serves two purposes: first, to present the ATLAS catalogue and its underlying data model; second, to provide guidelines and best practices for producing "FAIR" (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) scholarly outputs in Digital Humanities and enhancing Italian digital cultural heritage. The whitebook is aimed at future catalogue curators and scholars seeking to improve the FAIRness of their research products. The whitebook is introduced by the review of the state of the art and the presentation of the goals and methodologies of the ATLAS project. The first chapter focuses on the evaluation of the research products used as pilots for designing the ATLAS data model, and on the guidelines for producing FAIR data. The ATLAS data model is presented in detail in the second chapter, while the catalogue with the knowledge extraction systems and web services are described in the third chapter.
CLEF (v.3)
CLEF is a web platform for data entry that facilitates users in data collection and visualisation. In DH Atlas, we use CLEF to collect data and descriptions about Digital Humanities projects devoted to the Italian Cultural Heritage. CLEF leverages the power of Linked Open Data to ensure data quality, concept disambiguation, fair reuse, and reconciliation with external data sources. The latest version introduces a number of features to facilitate knowledge extraction from pilot projects, enabling scholars to describe them without creating new data from scratch. With support for SPARQL/API queries and other intuitive extraction methods, CLEF enables users of all skill levels to access and retrieve (meta)data of research outcomes from various sources, including static files. Additionally, advanced templating options enhances the platform's flexibility to handle complex data models like the ATLAS one. Key updates include the Intermediate Templates functionality, which allows users to combine multiple Templates to simultaneuosly create related Records, and the capability to assign multiple classes and subclasses to catalogued resources. CLEF will also host the final catalogue of DH projects offering diverse ways to explore and engage with the collected data through enhanced visualisation strategies.
So far, we have done this:
IRCDL 2025 Conference. [program]
Dr. Giorgia Rubin (CNR) and Sebastiano Giacomini (UNIBO) presented results of the first year: the ATLAS ontology, our methodoloy, the knowledge graph, and the new features of CLEF. The conference, hosted by the University of Udine, 20-21 February 2025, gathers scholars from the Digital Libraries and Digital Humanities communities.
Journal Article [online]
Giacomini Sebastiano, Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi, Laurent Antoine Fintoni. 2025. "CLEF 2.0. Solutions for Native Linked Data Cataloguing of Italian Digital Cultural Heritage." JLIS.it 16:1. DOI: 10.36253/jlis.it-611.
DARIAH Conference. [abstract]
We presented the DH Atlas project to the broad European DH community at the DARIAH annual event, in Lisbon, 18-21 June 2024.
AIUCD Conference. [abstract; poster]
Our researchers presented a poster on the DH Atlas project at the Italian National Conference of Digital Humanities, which was held in Catania, 28-30 May 2024. The proceedings will be published soon.
Kick-off meeting [programme]
All research units have met on 1 December 2023 in Bologna. We discussed project objectives, timeline, and research solutions to be reused or developed to create the DH Atlas.
First project outcomes are expected by the end of 2024
The outcomes of the project can be summarised as follows:
- A knowledge graph representative of Italian and Latin heritage, accessible online via dedicated services and preserved in CLARIN. The resource is currently available as a set of Turtle XML files and gathers metadata on the examined pilot projects and their related entities. The data stucture follows the model provided by the ATLAS ontology. [knowledge graph; demo]
- The ATLAS ontology, mapping excerpts of schemas and ontologies reused by pilot projects. This vocabulary has been designed to effectively represent scholarly research projects and their outcomes within the Cultural Heritage domain. It integrates existing and complementary ontological entities from three main standards—Schema.org, DCTerms, and FaBiO (the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology). [ontology]
- The white book including results of the analysis of the state of the art, good practices to ensure high quality content (in the scope of outlined pilots), and make findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable scholarly data. The current version of this resource is a provisional table of contents and focuses on the initial outcomes of the project: the results of the pilot evaluation, complemented by a set of guidelines for producing FAIR data, and the metadata for the catalographic description of research products. [white book]
- The pilots evaluation, highlighting differences and strategies to cope with mapping knowledge, access and manipulate data belonging to different types of digital artefacts. The mapping file provides an overview of the ATLAS data model, which highlights the main properties adopted by other tools to describe research outcomes and related entities. The resulting set of metadata properties has been implented to analyse the selected pilot projects. [mapping; pilot analysis]
- OpenAIRE Gateway on Italian CH, an access point dedicated to scholarly literature and data relevant to the pilots and beyond.
- ATLAS web application, to explore selected data, ontologies, and tools, and test the compliance of new scholarly projects with the guidelines.